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Want to start your own business?
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Advantages of being an Business Owner
1) Advanced price shopping search engine. Stop overpaying!
2) Shop and get cash back from 2000+ Top online stores.
3) Get cash back, when you or anyone else shops at your Mall.
4) Save Time and Money, do all your shopping at one Online mall.
5) Find and sell unique Green products from your Green Mall.
6) Help to save the earth by shopping and living greener.

  My sample site.  Enter My Santa 411 Mall

How does it work? 
Your web store leverages and maintains all the affiliate programs for you. Affiliates pay, when people click on the store banners or links placed on your web store and shop.
Once you own the web store, it is maintained for you. You just need to shop and earn.

Still want to learn more.
1) What are the additional benefits of membership?
2) How do I save and earn money?
3) What companies are listed?

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  Check it out!   >Create your own site.